Psychic handicap

The objectives of this guide are:

-to give all autistic people the tools so that they can fully exploit their capacities in the service of their professional ambitions.

-to give all companies the information to better understand mental disability, facilitate the integration of a person with a mental handicap and highlight the skills of people with a mental handicap.

I. Psychic handicap in the professional world

Psychic handicap, what is it?

Psychological disability is often still taboo in our society because it is still little known. It should be noted that there is no definition of mental handicap.

It is a state where the emotions and / or thoughts of the person are affected. The form, intensity, duration and consequences of this condition vary from person to person. There are many causes favoring mental handicap including biological, social and psychological factors.

The particularity of mental disability is that it directly affects our mental health.

Mental health is made up of

  • Our mind: our ability to psychologically resist certain situations (example: a bad grade, a professional failure, a break-up, a death)
  • Our emotions: what we feel. These emotions can be positive (joy) or negative (frustration, nervousness, sadness)
  • Our spirituality: our state of mind (positivity, negativity) and our self-esteem

So our sanity is our personal compass. It will guide us in our life when it is in good conditions or greatly complicate our daily life when it is in less good conditions.

Our mental health being intangible, it is often difficult to know the intensity and the impact of the psychological handicap. What makes this typology of disability so taboo is that it is little known, and that it can involve many consequences on a daily basis without the cause being directly observed.

Some consequences can be:

  • Social : isolation, makes it more difficult to interact with others, certain situations are more difficult to bear, loss of taste for life
  • Motivational : less energy, reduced ability to concentrate, less investment
  • Physical : fatigue, sleep disturbance, increased stress

There are several families of mental disorders. Here are the main troubles:

Schizophrenia is a disorder whose manifestations vary widely among individuals. Schizophrenia is characterized by a lack of consistency and coordination between ideas, emotions and actions. This can manifest as

  • unclear, delusional, or hallucinatory thoughts
  • by emotions
  • or reactions that may seem inappropriate to the context.

Schizophrenia can also impact a person’s cognitive skills (memory and ability to concentrate) and social well-being (withdrawal into oneself and isolation).

It should be noted that the symptoms vary greatly from one person to another, people with schizophrenia are able to perform the majority of jobs, if a work environment promoting mental health is in place.

Schizophrenia is a condition it can come on once and go away forever just as it can come on at regular or irregular intervals.

For more information on schizophrenia, you can check the section of the psycom site here

Bipolarity is a disorder manifested by a change in mood with more frequent and intense highs and lows than when the disorder is not present. Between these two states, a phase of stability may be present

  • The high phase, called manic phase, is expressed by a great excitement that can in particular reduce the need for sleep, greatly increase energy and physical activity, cause impulsive behavior
  • The low phase, called the depressive phase, can be expressed by a state of discomfort that can cause a loss of energy and interest, and a slowing down of daily behavior (decision-making, activity). In the depressive phase, a negative state of mind (melancholy, guilt) can set in

Bipolarity is manageable in the world of work. It requires an environment conducive to good mental health and potential flexibility in schedules and workload to adapt to manic and depressive phases.

Bipolarity is a condition, it can appear once and go away forever just as it can appear in regular or irregular intervals.

For more information on bipolarity, you can check the section of the psycom site here

Addiction is often a comorbidity linked to another disorder (mental or other). An addiction is an addiction which can have various causes (alcohol, drugs, sex, series etc.). This addiction manifests itself through regular consumption and a very strong desire that persist despite the negative consequences of addiction.

Addiction is a disorder very present in our society which often affects the person in an emotional way. Addiction should not be considered in isolation but as a whole, because it often manifests the discomfort linked to another disorder.

For more information on addictions, you can check the section of the psycom site here

Depression is not to be confused with « depression ». The « depression » is a short moment of discomfort. Depression is a state of unease that can last for weeks, months, or years. This disorder manifests itself by a drop in energy, a drop in motivation for any subject and a negative state of mind (melancholy, guilt). In short, depression is the « loss of the taste for life ». Depression is manageable in a healthy work environment that allows the person not to feel assaulted and to be included.

Depression is a condition, it can come on once and go away forever just as it can appear at regular or irregular intervals.

For more information on bipolarity, you can check the section of the psycom site here

Anxiety is an emotion that everyone experiences, it characterizes the fear of a threat or danger. Anxiety concerns many subjects: performance at work, performance in other areas of life, certain situations, the judgment of others, etc. Anxiety becomes a real disorder when it increases in frequency or intensity and begins to affect a person’s daily life. Anxiety can lead to the avoidance of certain situations (speaking, going out with other people, etc.) or a state of panic in other situations (evaluating a job, speaking, taking the metro, etc. .)

Anxiety disorders are numerous and vary from person to person. In the world of work, the challenge is to make anxious situations acceptable or even pleasant thanks to good work practices and a healthy working environment.

For more information on anxiety, you can check out the section of the psycom site here

Be careful, do not define the person by his mental disorder. It is a state that can be stabilized or overcome if the working atmosphere is healthy and benevolent. The first step is to move beyond the types of prejudices.

Misconceptions about mental disability

It is not normal to have a mental handicap

More than 70% of the population will be confronted with a mental handicap during their life. Psychic handicap demonstrates our vulnerability. Unfortunately, we are not invincible, certain events (a failure, a death, a shocking event) and environments that are not suited to us (stress, lack of fulfillment, fear) can make daily life much more complicated. Just like the body, the mind needs to be able to breathe, which has become more and more complicated in our constantly connected world where the culture of always more prevails. It is therefore common to have a mental handicap, it just shows that we are human beings who need to have time for themselves and to be in environments where they flourish.

Psychological disability defines us for life

Psychic handicap is a condition. We are not born with a mental handicap. It is possible to have a predisposition for certain disorders, but above all, it is our professional and personal environment and our life balance that will facilitate the onset of a mental disorder. The complexity of mental disability is that it is often difficult to talk about it and cope with the situation. However, it is fundamental (and often difficult) to accept that something is wrong, and to share this vulnerability with loved ones. By accepting the situation and not fighting against it, it takes a first step towards healthier mental health. There are no miracle solutions, It is important not to judge yourself, or to judge those with a mental handicap and to favor a rhythm of life and a healthy environment in order to improve your mental health.

Psychic handicap limits intellectual faculties

Psychological disability affects our emotions and thoughts, not our cognitive abilities. Psychic handicap therefore has no impact on our « intelligence ». However, it can affect our concentration and our thoughts. These consequences are not irreversible. When mental health improves, these abilities return to their « normal » functioning.

People living with a mental handicap cannot work

The majority of jobs are possible with a mental handicap. The challenge is to have a job that allows you to flourish and live better with mental disabilities in order to be able to overcome it. Jobs requiring long working hours with high pressure and a lot of stress will therefore be less suitable, as they may also have a negative impact on mental health. Any job, allowing you to take breaks, to have a balanced life and with a healthy environment (limited stress and pressure, little pressure) can be adapted.

It is difficult to adapt the work for people with a mental handicap

The work environment will be key for the person with a mental handicap. Certain consequences of mental handicap can involve demotivation, greater fatigue and isolation or difficulty in socializing. Often the work environment favors these symptoms. Very simple arrangements can be a game-changer: frequent breaks, adapting work schedules, avoiding unnecessary pressure, being friendly and not judging the person.

A person with a mental handicap can be dangerous

Often, because of stereotypes, people with a mental handicap are frightening. There is the fear of being attacked or that a person with a mental handicap will behave senselessly that puts us in danger. All of this is very rare. Often, it is people with a mental handicap, rather than the other way around

Integrating people with mental disabilities into the world of work

People with a mental handicap are quite competent in the world of work. Mental handicap is a condition that varies over time and does not define a person’s skills in any way. The challenge is to allow people with a mental handicap to be in a work environment conducive to well-being so that they can flourish and be in the best possible conditions to work.

Integrating people with mental disabilities into the world of work

People with a mental handicap are quite competent in the world of work. Mental handicap is a condition that varies over time and does not define a person’s skills in any way. The challenge is to allow people with a mental handicap to be in a work environment conducive to well-being so that they can flourish and be in the best possible conditions to work.

Here are some tips on how to best manage your mental handicap in the professional world. Each person has their specific needs, these tips are tips to facilitate your well-being at work. It is useful to identify a referent, trusted colleague to whom you can easily express your doubts and ask your questions.

Well-being : It is important to promote your well-being. Daily or frequent practices can have a very positive impact on your mental health

  1. Meditation. It allows you to focus on yourself and has a positive impact on the management of emotions and concentration. Meditations can be short (between 5 to 20 min)
  2. The sport. Sport allows you to relax, to convey a positive feeling and gives energy. In addition, it has a very positive effect on concentration and sleep.
  3. Nutrition. Your food is your source of energy, it is important to favor a diet made from fruits and vegetables. Meat (beef, chicken, fish etc.) can of course be part of your diet
  4. To write. A notebook on which you write your thoughts every evening or every morning, allows you to refocus on yourself and free yourself from certain thoughts.

Flexibility of work . The way you feel affects your energy and your ability to work. In order to avoid complicated periods at work, you can adapt your work in several ways:

  1. Schedules: start and end with slightly staggered hours that suit you better
  2. Workload: Work less when you have less energy and work more when you feel better. The goal is to always be able to do as much without over-fatigue
  3. Breaks: Working without rest can sometimes be possible. It is possible to request additional breaks for a day to keep the workload manageable.
  4. Working time: reduce the overall working time so that it corresponds better to your state of form. This arrangement is to be requested only if it is really necessary.

Work environment : To develop your mental health, it is important that you are in the best possible conditions

  1. If necessary, you can favor isolated places (or ask your employer if he can put you in an isolated place) or telework to promote concentration
  2. You can demand an acceptable working environment. We must not accept aggressive communications and escalate them. If you feel that a deadline that you are offered will not be tenable or too stressful, talk to your team or superior and propose a deadline that you think is feasible.

Social bond: The social bond is very important for personal and professional well-being. It is not always easy to socialize at work, although it is very important. If you can, try to share at least a little time per day worked with a colleague (lunch, break). You can also go to extra-professional events organized by your colleagues (drinks, outings, sport)

Communication of needs : It is important to communicate your feelings and your state when necessary. It does not mean sharing personal information. This involves specifying when you feel that you are too tired, that you need to take a break, finish earlier, or take a day. If you do it without warning it can be shocking, which is why it is important to talk to your employer.

Work organization : Many jobs involve doing several tasks in a specific time. In order to facilitate your work management and reduce your mental load, it is important:

  1. To clarify the tasks to be done. You can repeat the tasks in your own words to make sure you understand what is being asked of you.
  2. To clarify the deadlines. You can ask what the deadlines are and discuss them if you find they are too short.
  3. Prioritize tasks: You can create a to-do list by prioritizing tasks using tools such as Trello or todoist

Well-being : It is important to promote the well-being of employees, especially when they have a mental handicap. Daily or frequent practices can have a very positive impact on mental health. Raising employee awareness and facilitating access to meditation, sport and balanced nutrition can have a very positive impact on mental health. Awareness and promotion of these activities can be further promoted among people with mental disabilities or fragile mental health.

Flexibility of work . The way a person feels affects their energy and ability to work. This is all the more important for a person with fragile mental health or a psychological handicap. To avoid complicated situations, here are different arrangements that can be put in place:

  1. Schedules: allow you to start and end with slightly staggered hours that suit the person
  2. The workload: Do not reduce the workload but allow the person to modulate his workload over the course of a week or a month so that he can work less when he feels less well and work more when she feels better.
  3. Breaks: Allow additional breaks (without reducing the work to be done), to give time to rest and recover so that the workload is manageable.
  4. Working time: In some cases, it will be necessary to reduce the working time. This is a very special case which requires reducing the trail load. It is to be applied only if it is necessary

Work environment: Working conditions are key to allowing good mental health to flourish

  1. People should be allowed to isolate themselves if they feel the need to. An alternative may be to allow more teleworking days. For some people, working in a quiet place helps them focus and reduces stress.
  2. It is important for the mental health of any employee not to allow aggressive communication (direct or passive). It is also important that the deadlines are realistic so as not to add mental load and deteriorate sanity.

Social bond: The social bond is very important for personal and professional well-being. It is not always easy to socialize at work even if it is very important, especially when mental health is fragile:

  1. We must be vigilant to any stigmatization that could arouse a person with mental handicap. If a stigma is identified, it is key to talk to the person concerned to ascertain how they feel and to sensitize those responsible for the stigma.
  2. It is important to integrate all people, especially when mental health can appear fragile. So, it may be a good idea to invite someone who seems isolated to a coffee break, lunch or afterwork outings.

Communication of needs : Transparency is key to ensuring good mental health:

  1. Give people the opportunity (especially when mental health is fragile) to be listened to, either through a listening device, or by having dedicated points (weekly or monthly) with the members of your team to share the feelings
  2. Be transparent about your expectations and communicate when something can be improved using positive language
  3. Show that you are grateful or happy when something is done well by encouraging or praising

Work organization : Many jobs involve doing several tasks in a specific time. This can be a source of additional mental strain and stress. Thus, it is important to ensure that the expectations are understood by all:

  1. To clarify the tasks to be done. You can make sure that the tasks you give to do are understood by the other person by asking them to rephrase.
  2. To clarify the deadlines. You can share the deadlines you are considering and adapt them according to the feasibility

C. Prioritize tasks: You can encourage the creation of to-do lists by using tools such as trello or todoist to track and prioritize tasks

Psychological Disability and Recognition as Disabled Workers

What is recognition as a disabled worker?

Psychological disability is recognized as a disability by the House of Handicapped Persons (MDPH). Thus, a person or a person with a mental handicap is eligible for the Recognition as a Disabled Worker (RQTH). The RQTH is the administrative recognition of disability.

Psychological disability may be recognized as a disability if it has a medium-term impact on your life (at least 1 year). The particularity of mental handicap is that it is a condition which appears and evolves during life. Its assessment is also subjective (it therefore depends on the doctor) because these are invisible disabilities. These elements are important to take into account. Do not hesitate to apply for RQTH if you think it could be of benefit to you.

What are the advantages?

RQTH is not mandatory. However, it is important because it allows:

– to benefit from schedule arrangements for medical and therapeutic appointments.

– to benefit from advantages during recruitment within certain companies. Companies are subject to a quota of 6% of employees with an RQTH. Certain recruitment policies are advantageous for people with RQTH in order to reach these quotas.

– benefit from the implementation of workstation arrangements as recommended by occupational medicine

– to access services and financial aid from AGEFIPH (The state body in charge of disabled people in a private structure) or FIFPH (The state body in charge of disabled people in a public structure)

– to benefit from special rules in the event of termination of an employment contract, such as doubling the length of the notice of dismissal.

– access to rehabilitation and vocational training courses in the event of incapacity for your former profession.

How to apply for his RQTH? To apply for his RQTH, you must complete a file to send to the departmental MDPH. The file is detailed here . If you need help, you can contact a ClubHouse near you. You can find them here .

When is it possible to request RQTH? RQTH’s application is a big step. It recognizes the handicap administratively. It is not always easy to apply for RQTH. Some people with autism will consider themselves to be disabled, others will not. The advantage of the RQTH is that it protects and encourages companies to adapt the work environment to the needs of the person.

The other difficulty is that disability can be seen as something personal that some people do not want to share with the whole company. It is important to note that the RQTH is CONFIDENTIAL. It is possible to share it only with the occupational physician, who will do what is necessary to adapt the position. There is no obligation to speak to the disability manager of the company or to human resources, even if this can help to have a daily follow-up.

Psychic handicap is recognized as a handicap by the MDPH (House of Handicapped Persons). Thus, an autistic person is eligible for the RQTH (Recognition as a Disabled Worker), which counts people with a mental handicap in the quota of 6%. The person can also request their RQTH when they are employed in your company. The request takes a maximum of 6 months.

Possible arrangements to help the person with type 1 diabetes

Work arrangements for a person with a mental handicap mainly aim to promote good mental health. They can also be valid for a person without mental handicap.

The arrangements that can be made correspond to the employers’ advice in the section  » Integrating people with mental disabilities into the world of work « .

II. Psychological disability and maintenance

Before the interview

The interview is a complicated exercise, because it is an exercise in which we are evaluated on many aspects and which can lead to a job!

Declare or not your mental handicap

The declaration of mental handicap (in the CV, in the cover letter) is your right before or during the interview. There is no obligation.

If you don’t mention your mental disability in your CV or cover letter, you can talk about it when Human Resources contacts you to schedule the interview. This will allow the company to put you in the best possible conditions.

The main drawback is that mental handicap is still poorly understood, and there are still many prejudices. The purpose of this page is to limit prejudices.

Here you will find our guide on the declaration of disability in the business world

Prepare for your interview

Prepare its preparation

To reduce the stress of the preparation, it can be useful to make an action plan with all the things to do or to prepare before your interview. Below you have some avenues of preparation

Be in the right frame of mind

Interviews are stressful exercises that can impact the way you feel

– It is important to use positive vocabulary when talking to yourself: « I can do it », « I will do it »

– If you are interviewed, it means that the company considers that your profile is suitable for it. She wants to get to know you better. Have confidence in yourself.

– The day of the interview and the day before, you can do a sports session and a meditation session to be in the best possible conditions

Ask about

– Learn about the company (what are its activities? What are the latest news)

– Learn about the job you are interviewing for. If available, you can read the job description and learn about the skills required and the tasks to be done

Request information

It is important to ask all the questions that you think are necessary in order to be prepared as well as possible and as relaxed as possible.

Here are some examples of information you can request.

– Ask recruiters what dress code is required. If the requested outfit does not make you comfortable, you can ask to put on an outfit that makes you comfortable.

– Ask recruiters with whom you will be interviewing. You can then find out about your contacts upstream (by looking on LinkedIn in particular).

– Ask recruiters what is the format of the interview. (Interview with a person, case study, group interview, access plan, etc.). This will allow you to prepare yourself as well as possible. You can make it clear that group interviews are not the best format for you.

Prepare what you are going to say about yourself

The recruiter may ask you to introduce yourself and ask you questions about your motivations, your strengths and skills and your past experiences.

Introduce yourself: You can give your first name, last name, say what studies you have done and speak in 1 sentence (20 to 30 words maximum) about one of your passions

Motivations : List a maximum of 3 reasons for your motivation. It is important to develop your motivations in 2 short sentences. These sentences can answer the question “why this motivation)

Strengths and skills : You can list your 3 main strengths for this position. It can be your skills (in code, graphics, math etc) or your personality traits (courageous, persevering etc). You can illustrate these strengths with an example each time

Past experiences : The employer will ask you to present 1 or 2 experiences that you have had. This can be professional, associative, sports or student experiences (university project). For each experience you can

  1. describe what you did
  2. describe the result of what you did
  3. describe what you have learned and learned from your work

Talk about your mental disability or mental health during the interview

Talking about your mental handicap is very personal. Being able to talk about it with a recruiter can:

  1. Create a bond with the recruiter. You share something very personal. You share part of your vulnerability. It’s something that touches people and creates a bond beyond the interview
  2. Help recruiters understand you better and understand the importance of mental health.

When to talk about it? :

At the start of the interview or at the end of the interview

How to talk about it? :

  • Factually: say what it means for you in terms of skills and difficulties
  • Positively: say it factually, by adding a sentence about what the mental handicap brings to you. Psychological disability can in particular develop your creativity, your empathy or your intuition

In the context of an interview, it is often difficult to go beyond a difference. If the person has been interviewed, it means that they have a profile that meets your expectations. Despite all the skills that can be read on their CVs, we tend to favor candidates in the « standard » to different candidates.

First and foremost, the candidate must be told that if he has a disability or specific needs, he can share it upstream, and this is important so that the interview is adapted and the recruiter can prepare and obtain information.

Here are some avenues to prepare before the interview to judge the candidate as objectively as possible:

– Before taking the candidate ‘s autism into account, does he have the necessary skills for the position ?

– Can we adapt the position to their mental handicap / to preserve their mental health ? See the integration section.

Certain actions can also be taken before the interview :

  1. Be transparent about the expectations of the interview, the selectivity, the format of the interviews with the plan (presentation of the course, motivation questions, technical questions, English tests, etc.) and the people present.
  2. Ensure that the language and attitude of the interlocutors will be benevolent and that they will be as transparent as possible with the candidate

Favor kindness. It should be made clear to interviewees that listening is important and that they can also share personal experiences if they wish and if the candidate does so.

During the interview

General advice

– Be at the interview 10 minutes early.

– Put your phone on silent.

– Make sure that on the day of your interview, you have little or nothing to do beforehand in order to be relaxed

Maintenance tips

– Do not rush to answer a question, take your time. Keep the flow steady and calm. It helps to show that you have confidence in yourself. Don’t hesitate to say, “I need to take my time”.

– If a question seems difficult to you, take your time. It is normal that during an interview, some questions are not easy. You can mark and structure your ideas on a notebook before responding. If necessary, you can talk to your interlocutor to break down the question into a simpler question and answer it.

– If you feel the need to relax during the interview, you can take 15-30 seconds to breathe (example: a short cardiac coherence exercise)

– If you feel that you are losing confidence or that stress is increasing. Stop for a few seconds, and tell yourself in your head that you’re going to get there and that you believe in yourself.

– At the end of the interview, you can ask your interlocutor what he thought of your interview. This allows you to have a first idea of the result of the interview.

General advice

Take an interest in personal accomplishments . The lived adventures are a gold mine to get to know the person and discover all his skills. Be careful, some people will be less open on this subject, in this case, respect their restraint.

Remember to be transparent with the interlocutor . If he talks about his mental handicap, you have to be honest about the company’s position in terms of recruitment. If doubts remain, it is possible to ask the candidate for examples of situations similar to those he will encounter on the job.

If you think the person has autism but don’t dare say so, you can ask if the person has RQTH . You can make the person feel comfortable and show that disability is not a taboo. However, it is not allowed to ask a person if they have a specific disability.

Do not base your impression on the mental handicap, but on the whole discussion with the autistic person .

Autism specific advice

Adopt a benevolent posture with the candidate. We must avoid a stressful exchange or pushing the person to his limits without this being justified.

Allow the person to take their time (for example: 30 seconds) to answer a question or to relax for a few seconds (for example: close their eyes and breathe for 15-30 seconds)

III. Autism at work

Work integration

Psychic handicap is a specific case because it is a condition which can appear and disappear as was detailed in the first part. The mental handicap can appear during the assumption of post or no longer appear whereas it was present previously. The challenge is to preserve mental health at work and to put in place, from the start, a framework that:

  • Promotes benevolence by adopting non-violent communication;
  • Encourages transparency by saying when things are going and when they are not;
  • Allows the newcomer to create a bond with the entire team, regardless of their mental health;
  • Allows working time arrangements (excluding reduction of working time which is subject to specific cases) to preserve mental health;
  • Gives the possibility of being listened to as soon as it is necessary.

It is important to put these measures in place but above all to remind team members that it is in place and that they have the right to it. Often times, the people who need it the most may not dare to ask.

Evolve at work

Finding a job and integrating into the professional world are the first steps in a great adventure. There are several key steps that follow:

  • Validate the trial period;
  • Be evaluated on the work done;
  • Being promoted.

Working with a person with a mental handicap means working with a person who is just as competent as a person without mental disorders. She is just as competent, but with strengths and weaknesses that differ from the norm. So that people with a mental handicap can flourish and benefit from the maximum of their competences, they need to be in a benevolent framework. Many tips and arrangements were offered in the first part. The challenge is that people with mental disabilities can be assessed fairly at key stages. Thus, it is possible to expect less on certain aspects (in particular interpersonal aspects) but more on other aspects (in particular technical aspects).

Highlight skills

Psychic handicap at times can be very hard to live with and have a real impact on professional and personal life. Psychological disability also brings skills through the different relationship to the world and to others that it can involve:

  • Creativity : The various psychic disorders lead to apprehend the world in a unique way, which is transcribed in many artistic works (writing, song, painting) but also in ideas for more scientific fields, such as mathematics
  • Empathy : Different mental disorders can involve a greater sensitivity to things that may seem insignificant to many people when they can have a real impact. This sensitivity can make it possible to better understand the interlocutor and to adapt adequately.
  • Intuition : The heightened sensitivity can also make it possible to have hunches about ideas or people, allowing to feel if the right direction is taken.

The condition for developing these skills is the acceptance of the difference, whether it is one’s own or that of a colleague. The crucial element is not to limit the responsibilities of the person with a mental handicap . On the contrary, she must be given the opportunity to go further if she wishes, without forcing it.

Psychic disability at work beyond prejudices

A person with a mental handicap can achieve even the most “unrealistic” dreams.

Some people with a mental handicap are brilliant scientists (Nash Nobel Prize for mathematics), others are business leaders (psychic handicap is very present among entrepreneurs), others are artists (Mariah Carey) or actors (Benoît Poelvoorde). However, mental disability is still a source of taboo in our society, which means that many people do not dare to talk about it.

By going beyond prejudices, we allow people who are often stigmatized to have the right to dream and achieve their ambitions. The challenge today is to provide our society with skills that we have ignored for too long while not forgetting personal well-being.

Mariah Carey, a singer with many international successes with bipolar disorder, emphasizes the importance of lifting the stigmas to no longer be alone: « I hope we can come to a place where the stigma is lifted for people living something alone. It can be incredibly isolating. He doesn’t have to define you and I refuse to have him define or control me. «