Advice - Finding a job / internship when you have a disability

You will find advice on finding a job or an internship

The search for a job, an internship, or an alternation, is an obstacle course for the majority of people. When you have a disability, the task can be even more complicated.
For example, the creator of handicapossible, Mounah Bizri, had to pass twenty different interviews for his first internship, while his friends had a maximum of 3 or 4. When looking for the first job, the experience repeated itself. Even if disability is not always cited as a barrier to hiring, it often can be.

A dedicated recruitment forum

Hello Handicap is a forum dedicated to people with disabilities. It takes place twice a year (in April and October). It references more than 250,000 job offers. In order to be eligible, you must hold an RQTH.

Adapted companies

Adapted companies facilitate access to employment for people with disabilities and have the obligation to employ more than 80% of people with disabilities.

UNEA is the association which brings together adapted companies. The UNEA can help you identify suitable companies that match your skills and desires, and help you get in touch with them.

Employment center and Cap emploi

Pôle emploi is the state’s job search organization. If you specify that you are disabled (which we recommend doing), Pôle Emploi will direct you to Pôle Emploi advisers specializing in supporting people with disabilities.

 Cap emploi (link to the directory to find the cap emploi in your department) is a specialized state body which supports people with disabilities towards employment. There is one Employment Cap per department (directory to find the employment cap for your department) 

Headhunters Cabinet

There are many firms such as Michael Page , who is a general practitioner, or TH Conseil, who specializes in disability. These firms will ask you for your CV as well as the type of job you are looking for. They will try to put you in contact with companies that match your profile and your expectations. Linklusion is a firm that specializes in freelancers with disabilities.

The disability mission and the university

Some universities have a dedicated space for job vacancies. If this is your case, you can consult this dedicated space and apply for the vacancies that interest you. Sometimes, the university’s disability mission also negotiates agreements for the employment of people with disabilities. To find out if this is the case within your university, you can contact the disability mission and / or the corporate relations of your university.

The personal network

Your personal knowledge, and that of those close to you, can also make it easier for you to find work. The alumni network of your college, high school, or university can also give you access to people who will help you in your job search.

Social networks

From now on, social networks facilitate contact. LinkedIn is a network specializing in employment. On LinkedIn, you can make an online resume, connect (the equivalent of asking friends on Facebook) with people who work in a field that interests you, and apply for jobs online.

Request support for handicapossible

We can support you free of charge by answering your job search questions, giving you advice on how to search and how to build a job search action plan. You can contact us on and we will get back to you within 48 hours.